Case alttag

Waste Sorting

The sorting targets specific materials in the waste using magnetism, induction, optical and manual sorting.


Magnetic separation

A magnetic belt or a solid magnet is mounted over a conveyor belt and iron parts are taken from the waste-flow.

Eddy-current separation

Eddy currents are used to push non-ferrous metals with (electro-)magnets into separate collection bins, with non-metallic waste falling into another bin.

Manual sorting

Employees are positioned beside a conveyor and manually remove materials either in positive or negative sorting.

Positive sorting: focuses on identifying and removing a desired fraction from the input waste stream.
Negative sorting: focuses instead on identifying and removing a non-desired fraction from the waste stream.

Sensor technology

With specific sensors materials are identified and sorted:

  • NIR - near infrared: this is used to differentiate between plastics (PET, HDPE, PVC, PP, PS, ..)
  • VIS - Visual spectrometry: Identify materials on color.
  • XRF - X-ray fluorescence: Differentiate between metals & alloys (copper & steel)
  • XRT – X-ray transmission: Identifies materials based on atomic density  (halogens & organics)

EMS – electromagnetic sensors: identifies metals based on their conductivity.

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