The sorting targets specific materials in the waste using magnetism, induction, optical and manual sorting.
A magnetic belt or a solid magnet is mounted over a conveyor belt and iron parts are taken from the waste-flow.
Eddy currents are used to push non-ferrous metals with (electro-)magnets into separate collection bins, with non-metallic waste falling into another bin.
Employees are positioned beside a conveyor and manually remove materials either in positive or negative sorting.
Positive sorting: focuses on identifying and removing a desired fraction from the input waste stream. Negative sorting: focuses instead on identifying and removing a non-desired fraction from the waste stream.
With specific sensors materials are identified and sorted:
EMS – electromagnetic sensors: identifies metals based on their conductivity.
A magnet is used to extract iron parts in a solid waste flow. The magnet can be static, or it can be combined with a belt, to lead iron parts automatically to a container. A static magnet is only used for small amounts of iron, or to protect equipment further down a sorting line.
The deposit hoppers are designed to continuously and steadily feed various kinds of material. They feed materials like construction and demolition waste, industrial and commercial waste, household waste, organic waste, compost, dry recyclables etc.
Sorting cabins are used to separate different fractions like wood, ferrous, non-ferrous and plastics manually. It consists of picking belts and drop hoppers.
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