In the sorting line waste is classified: waste is automatically sorted by generic properties like shape, size and density. This can be done via various technologies.
Waste is fed onto a screen with a specific size of holes, to target specific materials. Screening can be done with various types of screens, each with different sizes of holes, in successive steps.
Waste is exposed to a flow of air, that causes light fractions to be blown away from heavier fractions. This can be done with an over-pressure air flow (blower) or with an under-pressure air flow (suction system)
Based on ballistic properties, 2D and 3D materials are separated.
A screen is used for separating an incoming flow of waste, in various fractions of different sizes. We have various types of screens, for various types of waste
A windshifter separates an incoming flow of waste in heavy and light fractions, by means of an air flow. Windshifters can be extended to 2 or more stages (compare to 2 or more windshifters in line) which is called a 3D windshifter.
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